Add/Modify A Definition

Definition Name color
Column Name (careful, a database column name)
Column Type
Text Max Size (optional)
Text Max Height (optional)
Select Values
e.g. item1,item2,item3
or: Y=Yes,N=No
Conditions (JS regexp)
ie: IF (dob == 'Y') { regexp /^\d\d\d\d/ }
or: IF (d=='H' || d=='P') { <0.4 }
or: 5..10
or: >= 44
Conditions Help
HTML Comment
Default Value (text only)
URL or string where we substitute %date%, %time%, %user%. URL for page_link
Additional Flags
Flags Help
Primary Key Auto_increment HTML
Searchable JavaScript Validation Required
Meta Chars Ignore Column No Changes
Trigger PHP Code Careful, you can write PHP code to do most anything here.
column=$col, value=$val Set error messages in $err
Generate information messages with 'TriggerMsg(string)'
Original data entered is in global $ROWDATA. Trigger Help.

Connected Type: mysql Host: localhost Database: formentry-demo User: feadmin