Hints When Searching |
Certain columns of this database have been defined as searchable. This is a 'smart search' - you do not need to provide the entire value. For instance, if you are searching for a name and you want 'John Smith', you need only provide part of the name like 'John'. This will give you a list of all records with 'John' in that field. Sometimes this might generate too many records, but often this will be enough.
This is actually a fairly sophisticated search, but you need to know some of the 'tricks'. Certain characters are 'wildcards' - they really stand for one or more characters. Some examples are probably all you really need.
tom - selects all records with the three letter sequence 'tom' in the field. This might find 'tomato', 'waltom' or '23tomasK8'.
c20__2 - selects all records with the letters 'c20' followed by any two characters (because there are two '_' characters in the search string) and then followed by a '2'. This might find 'c20AX256', 'bad.c20992' or 'unused.c23..29-44'.
199_/1_/ - assuming this is a date, selects all dates in Oct, Nov and Dec of the 1990's.
my\_boy/ - selects all records with the letters 'my_boy' in the field. Note that the '_' has been 'escaped' and does not mean 'match any single character' as it normally would.
More technical people will recognize these as SQL wildcards and they are correct. However, this application does not support ALL wildcard uses, just what has been shown here. Whatever you enter has the wildcard '%' prefixed and postfixed to the search string. Our goal here is to quickly get a reasonable set of possibilities for you to choose from - not to provide a generic query capability.