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Existing Projects |
You may also import into multiple projects with one action.
Note: The projects listed here already exist. To start to create a project, create the file 'formentry/admin/projects/PROJECTNAME_config.php'. This file must minimally contain the line:
$LDB[maintable] = 'some_table_name';
which defines the name of the table associated with this project. Take a careful look at the file 'local_config.php' (which is based on the file 'model_config.php') as almost all of the variables defined therein may be redefined in your project configuration file. You may wish to specify the database connection details for the maintable as well as the configuration table.
To remove a project, simply delete the project configuration PHP file and the associated database tables.
Connected | Type: mysql | Host: f-db | Database: terry | User: tpg |